About Us / Brands / Crown

Lifecycle360 Services

CPM Crown’s Lifecycle360 Services are tailored to meet your specific needs and ensure the longevity and efficiency of your facility. From implementing automation and instrumentation tools to maximizing your productivity through preventive maintenance, our team of global experts can support you in achieving all of your performance goals. We not only bolster your business through powerful equipment and machinery, we’ll also train your staff and engage in troubleshooting to help you design solutions that solve tomorrow’s problems in an effort to build a better world.

Lifecycle Automation

Automation Support

For clients seeking to meet their production goals and save time and money using automation and instrumentation tools.

CPM|Crown’s Automation Support is your single source for managing all aspects of process automation. We combine our system hardware and instruments with our software expertise and deep process knowledge to deliver solutions that typically result in paybacks in less than 2 years. Gain advanced visibility for key process parameters and operating conditions that will provide you with up-to-the-minute data for better process control. Crown’s Automation Support includes the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), which provides additional upsides, including remote monitoring capabilities, trending, and predictive and preventative maintenance. Make real-time decisions with confidence and peace of mind. Only CPM|Crown has the automation expertise, unmatched level of process experience, and total knowledge of our technology to provide a comprehensive automation solution that works right “out of the box”. As your operation grows and technology advances, we will be your trusted partner who keeps you on the cutting edge.

Construction Support

For clients beginning construction projects involving our technology who want to achieve faster construction timelines, low-hassle start-ups, reduced re-work and change-order costs, and faster business returns.

CPM|Crown has the resources and experience to support and streamline the construction of plants that utilize our technologies. Our Global Team includes over 40 Mechanical, Process, and Automation experts who have assessed, supported, implemented, installed, commissioned and started up thousands of projects and facilities worldwide. Time and cost savings are quickly realized: up front consultation, organization and planning reduce emergencies (ex: delivered equipment that goes missing, or urgent last-minute replacements shipped to site), reduce construction change-orders and “lost-in-translation” misunderstandings, and facilitate better awareness through correct training. Expect more efficient Mechanical and Automation check-outs and effective commissioning and start-ups. CPM|Crown Construction Support offers an unmatched level of experience in project construction support for our technology.

Lifecycle Construction
Lifecycle Maintenance

Maintenance Support

For clients operating and purchasing CPM|Crown technology who want to maximize plant operations (capacity, quality, employee engagement, etc.), achieve more up-time, and deliver best in class maintenance costs.

CPM|Crown is a trusted advisor who is focused on the lifecycle of your plant operation. We enhance your team’s ability to assess, plan, troubleshoot, maintain and improve all aspects of technology maintenance. Our Global Field Services Team includes over 40 Mechanical, Process, and Automation experts who have designed, delivered, installed and maintained thousands of projects and facilities worldwide while applying a regional touch around culture, language and relationships. Achieve your cost and production goals through proactive site assessments; preventative maintenance plan creation and implementation; periodic maintenance inspections; steam purge support services (to minimize time preparing for annual hot work); parts delivery; organization; and installation-support planning. Crown Maintenance Support provides unparalleled partnership and expertise when caring for the heart of your plant.

Training Support

For customers who, like many manufacturers, are facing the loss of experienced employees retiring out of the workforce and who are experiencing frustrations in training and retaining engaged employees.

CPM|Crown counters this megatrend with industry-leading experts who have the resources to train your employees on our technology. Our Training Support Team ensures your employees are competent and confident maintaining and operating our technology as designed, leading to a thriving, professional work environment where employees want to stay. Employee training can increase plant safety and save time and costs by reducing unexpected shutdowns and increasing efficiency and productivity. Our dedicated training team can deploy over 200 subject matter experts to teach oilseed plant theory, design, operation, maintenance, start-ups and shutdowns. We emphasize hands-on experiential learning so that your employees can apply their knowledge directly to your plant operations.

CPM|Crown offers an unmatched level of experience in the oilseeds market and has designed, delivered, installed, commissioned, and started up thousands of projects and facilities worldwide. We provide complete and customizable training solutions from assessment through execution of the desired modules, including process, maintenance and automation. The training location is flexible – we will come to your plant, or your team can come to our world class Innovation Center for immersive, real-world operation experience in our continuous operation pilot plant and facility, which includes Preparation, Extraction, Plant Based Proteins (White Flakes and Concentrates), Refining, Bleaching, Biofuels Pretreatment, Deodorizing and Oleochemical units. CPM|Crown Training Support offers your employees a dynamic learning experience in oilseed plant operation, giving them the confidence and pride in their work that will help ensure they operate your plant efficiently and safely, and that will help you retain them.

Lifecycle Training

Optimizing Service

For customers with plants over 10 years old who want holistic process improvements that will lead to savings in energy, capacity, water and effluent, and increased yields.

CPM|Crown Optimizing Support offers you the full power of our unmatched processing and manufacturing experience, deep engineering acumen, industry subject matter expertise, process simulation tools, and our ability to design and deliver the final technology solution. We utilize state-of-the-art process simulation software to identify and calculate return-on-investment savings and process improvements. Our Optimizing Support Services have enabled real-world processors to realize returns including 5% – 15% energy savings; 5% – 25% water and effluent reductions; 2% – 5% raw material savings; and 2% – 10% capacity increases. Utilizing our comprehensive library of unit operations, we customize our modeling software to accurately model the real-world operating conditions in your facility. This allows us to pinpoint where you can enhance the efficiency of your operation; discover gaps in technology and automation; and calculate the financial returns of recommended interventions. This data will enable you to make informed decisions about your next steps in plant improvements, and we will be ready to support you by designing and delivering the necessary technology and automation. CPM|Crown’s Optimizing Support helps you unlock your plant’s full potential.

Lifecycle Optimize
Food Processing for plant based foods
Crown Impact

Feeding Tomorrow: CPM’s Innovations for Plant-Based Protein & Meat Alternatives

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Service Technician

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