Innovation / Industry Megatrends

Protein Consumption

As our global population grows, CPM provides innovative, planet-friendly solutions to providing protein to humans, and the animals and aquatic creatures we depend on.  Our equipment extracts protein from plants for plant-based foods, and helps to maximize the nutritional value of animal feed and aqua feed. 

We help our customers provide for our planet’s essential protein needs. 

Our innovative solutions enable companies within a wide range of industries to create the things that improve everyday life for people across the globe.

Market Solutions

Explore our solutions related to Protein Consumption

We offer sustainable solutions for the future of protein consumption, including the extraction and processing of plant-based proteins, animal feed processing and increased nutrient availability techniques and aqua feed processing and pelleting. 

Join us in transforming protein production for a sustainable future. Get in touch.

Protein Consumption

How is protein consumption affecting the agricultural and food industries?

The rise in protein demand has driven a shift in agricultural practices and food processing. Sustainability has become a key concern, pushing industries towards more efficient and environmentally friendly methods of protein production:

  • Livestock and Aquaculture: Enhanced feed formulations improve growth while reducing the ecological footprint of protein farming.
  • Crop Production: Increasing focus on crop varieties that are not only high-yielding but also rich in protein, optimizing land use and reducing inputs.
  • Food Processing: Technological advancements allow for the development of new textures and flavors in plant-based products, meeting consumer demands for variety and quality, and increased global demand for plant-based diets.

By developing technologies and solutions that support these trends, CPM helps our partners adapt to market changes and capitalize on emerging opportunities in protein production.

Protein Consumption Spotlight

Feeding Tomorrow: CPM’s Innovations for Plant-Based Protein and Meat Alternatives

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