Processes / Plant-Based Proteins

White Flakes

Advanced technology to produce white flakes from a variety of feedstocks.

CPM Crown offers extraction process equipment to manufacture plant-based protein concentrates including white flakes technology. Offerings include processes to produce soy protein concentrates as well as protein concentrates from other oilseeds (e.g. rapeseed, canola, sunflower, hemp and others) with a focus on human food, animal feed and fish food protein industries.

Related Equipment

Equipment made for producing white flakes from various oilseeds

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Model IV Extractor

The most efficient way to process granular and coarse materials without a screen.

Model III Extractor

Ready to handle your biggest extracting jobs with ease.

Model V Extractor

Continuous, counter-current extraction to get the most out of your leafy materials, crushed beans, and more.

Flash Desolventization System

Direct contact system with full solvent recovery and very short residence times (a few seconds).

Vacuum Desolventizer Stripper (VDS)

Continuous indirect vacuum drying or desolventization for temperature sensitive products. Low operating temperature.

Down Draft Desolventizer (DDD)

Ideal for large particles, or high PDI or NSI meal.
White Flakes bring processed.

CPM provides advanced white flakes processing equipment to optimize product solubility.

As pioneers in continuous solvent extraction, we’re constantly innovating new techniques and equipment designs for the efficient production of high-quality plant-based proteins. Our expertise spans from initial feedstock preparation through to the final white flake product, ensuring maximum efficiency and product quality.

Market Solutions

Explore solutions using white flakes

From feedstock preparation to final product purification, our complete white flake production solutions are designed to optimize efficiency and product quality. Whether you are producing white flakes from soy, sunflower, or canola/rapeseed, we provide the necessary technology and expertise to ensure a seamless process.

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Plant-Based Protein

Produce high-quality, nutritious plant-based proteins to satisfy consumers’ palates.

Oilseed Processing

Get high-quality white flakes that meet the most stringent standards.

Innovation is at the heart of everything we do.

See for yourself what our solutions can do for you.