Compact Design
Vertical, multiple-tray design minimizes the amount of space needed for the machine
The Desolventizer is a vertically oriented cylinder with multiple trays that are heated with steam, hot water or oil. The desolventizer employs indirect heat transfer to desolventize ethanol, hexane or other solvent-wet products on a low-cost basis. When the product allows, steam can be introduced into the desolventizer and combine direct and indirect heat transfer, thus reducing the overall equipment size.
The Desolventizer allows you to desolventize products like ethanol, hexane, or other solvent-wet products without product agglomeration or high operating costs.
Key Features
Vertical, multiple-tray design minimizes the amount of space needed for the machine
Designed with large, sweeping arms, you won’t have to worry about large product agglomeration
Add low-pressure steam or stripping gases to clear out the remaining vapors surrounding your product in the bottom tray
The desolventizer is designed vertically with multiple trays
The robust and vertical design of the desolventizer makes the most of indirect heat transfer so that you can desolventize your products without high energy or operating costs.