Op-Flo Cooler

Cooling your processed product with an upward moving stream of ambient airflow.

CPM Op-Flo Coolers feature a circular design to enable even distribution of the product and maximize cooling uniformity. They utilize an upward moving stream of ambient air, cooling the product as it enters from the top. This gradual heat transfer enhances product quality while reducing stress and fines. The efficiency of the Op-Flo Cooler results in lower operating and installation costs.

Key Features

  • Capacities of 1-105 Imperial Tons Per Hour (TPH) available
  • Circular design for even product distribution
  • Rotary valve feeding system and product leveler
  • Heavy-duty fixed grid floor
  • Louver discharge system for complete cleanout

Specifications and Dimensions

5-34-4 43-1/2" 1,500 117-1/16" 59" 53" 45" 11" 24" 5" 13-1/2" 110-7/8" 37-1/4" 34-11/16" 57"
5-43-5 43-1/2" 1,600 128-13/16" 59" 53" 45" 11" 24" 6" 13-1/2" 122-1/8" 37-1/4" 34-11/16" 57"
5-52-6 43-1/2" 1,700 139-11/16" 59" 53" 45" 11" 24" 6" 16-1/2" 134" 37-1/4" 35-5/8" 57"
6-49-4 52" 2,000 122-9/16" 63-3/8" 61-1/2" 53-1/2" 11" 32" 6" 16-1/2" 122-9/16" 41-1/2" 38-3/4" 65-1/2"
6-61-5 52" 2,100 134-13/16" 63-3/8" 61-1/2" 53-1/2" 11" 32" 7" 17" 134-13/16" 41-1/2" 38-15/16" 65-1/2"
6-74-6 52" 2,200 146-15/16" 63-3/8" 61-1/2" 53-1/2" 11" 32" 7" 20" 139-3/4" 41-1/2" 39-13/16" 65-1/2"
7-67-4 60-1/2" 2,600 128-1/16" 67-5/8" 70" 62" 11" 40" 7" 20" 128-1/16" 45-3/4" 46-1/16" 74"
7-83-5 60-1/2" 2,800 140-9/16" 67-5/8" 70" 62" 11" 40" 7" 22 130-3/8" 45-3/4" 43-11/16" 74"
7-100-6 60-1/2" 3,000 153-5/16" 67-5/8" 70" 62" 11" 40" 8" 24" 145-5/8" 45-3/4" 44-3/16" 74"
8-87-4 69" 3,500 133-9/16" 71-7/8" 78-1/2" 70-1/2" 11" 50" 8" 21" 126" 50" 46-5/16" 82-1/2"
8-108-5 69" 3,700 146-1/16" 71-7/8" 78-1/2" 70-1/2" 11" 50" 8" 26" 138-3/8" 50" 47-15/16" 82-1/2"
8-130-6 69" 3,900 159-3/16" 71-7/8" 78-1/2" 70-1/2" 11" 50" 8" 31" 151-1/2" 50" 48-7/8" 82-1/2"
9-109-4 77-1/2" 4,400 138-13/16" 75" 87" 79" 12" 58" 8" 26" 131-1/4" 54-1/4" 51-1/8" 91"
9-136-5 77-1/2" 4,600 152-1/16" 75" 87" 79" 12" 58" 8" 31" 144-1/2" 54-1/4" 52-1/2" 91"
9-164-6 77-1/2" 4,800 165-5/16" 75" 87" 79" 12" 58" 9" 35" 157-1/4" 54-1/4" 53-1/8" 91"
10-134-4 86" 5,500 144-9/16" 79-1/2" 97-1/2" 85-1/2" 12" 66" 9" 29" 136-3/8" 58-1/2" 55-3/16" 101-1/2"
10-168-5 86" 5,700 158-1/16" 79-1/2" 97-1/2" 85-1/2" 12" 66" 9" 36" 149-7/8" 58-1/2" 56-15/16" 101-1/2"
10-202-6 86" 5,900 170-5/8" 79-1/2" 97-1/2" 85-1/2" 12" 66" 10" 36" 162" 58-1/2" 56-15/16" 101-1/2"
11-162-4 94-1/2" 6,900 150-3/16" 84" 106" 94" 12" 74" 9" 34" 142" 62-3/4" 59-7/8" 112"
11-203-5 94-1/2" 7,200 164-3/16" 84" 106" 94" 12" 74" 10" 39" 155-1/2" 62-3/4" 61-1/16" 112"
11-244-6 94-1/2" 7,500 178-1/16" 84" 106" 94" 12" 74" 12" 39" 168-3/8" 62-3/4" 61-1/16" 112"
12-193-4 103" 8,500 154-3/8" 87" 114-1/2" 102-1/2" 14" 82" 10" 37" 145-7/8" 67" 63-15/16" 120-1/2"
12-241-5 103" 8,800 168-11/16" 87" 114-1/2" 102-1/2" 14" 82" 12" 39" 159-1/4" 67" 64-1/2" 120-1/2"
12-289-6 103" 9,100 182-3/4" 87" 114-1/2" 102-1/2" 14" 82" 12" 45" 173-1/4" 67" 65-5/8" 120-1/2"
13-226-4 111-1/2" 9,600 159-1/2" 91" 123" 111" 14" 90" 12" 38" 150" 71-1/4" 67-3/8" 129"
13-283-5 111-1/2" 10,100 174-1/4" 91" 123" 111" 14" 90" 13" 42" 164-1/8" 71-1/4" 68-9/16" 129"
13-339-6 111-1/2" 10,600 188-3/4" 91" 123" 111" 14" 90" 13" 50" 178-5/8" 71-1/4" 69-15/16" 129"
14-262-4 120" 11,600 164-13/16" 95" 131-1/2" 119-1/2" 14" 100" 12" 48" 155-3/8" 75-1/2" 73-5/16" 137-1/2"
14-327-5 120" 12,100 179-3/4" 95" 131-1/2" 119-1/2" 14" 100" 13" 48" 169-3/4" 75-1/2" 73-5/16" 137-1/2"
14-393-6 120" 12,600 194-1/2" 95" 131-1/2" 119-1/2" 14" 100" 14" 50" 184-1/8" 75-1/2" 73-11/16" 137-1/2"
15-300-4 128-1/2" 13,600 169-3/16" 98" 140" 128" 16" 110" 13" 42" 159" 79-3/4" 78-13/16" 146"
15-375-5 128-1/2" 14,100 184-7/16" 99" 140" 128" 16" 110" 14" 50" 173-1/4" 79-3/4" 81-3/16" 146"
15-450-6 128-1/2" 14,600 199-9/16" 99" 140" 128" 16" 110" 15" 56" 188-3/8" 79-3/4" 82-1/4" 146"
16-341-4 137" 16,100 175-9/16" 103" 148-1/2" 136-1/2" 16" 120" 14" 46" 165" 84" 83-1/4" 154-1/2"
16-427-5 137" 16,600 190-15/16" 103" 148-1/2" 136-1/2" 16" 120" 14" 55" 180-3/8" 84" 85-11/16" 154-1/2"
16-512-6 137" 17,100 206-1/4" 103" 148-1/2" 136-1/2" 16" 120" 16" 62" 194-3/4" 84" 86-11/16" 154-1/2"
17-385-4 145-1/2" 18,600 182-5/16" 107" 157" 145" 16" 126" 15" 50" 171-1/4" 88-1/4" 87-1/2" 163"
17-481-5 145-1/2" 19,100 198-7/16" 107" 157" 145" 16" 126" 16" 58" 186-7/8" 88-1/4" 89-3/4" 163"
17-577-6 145-1/2" 19,600 214-11/16" 107" 157" 145" 16" 126" 18" 62" 202-1/8" 88-1/4" 90-7/16" 163"
18-431-4 154" 21,100 185-5/16" 110" 165-1/2" 153-1/2" 18" 130" 16" 54" 173-3/4" 92-1/2" 95" 171-1/2"
18-539-5 154" 21,600 201-7/16" 110" 165-1/2" 153-1/2" 18" 130" 16" 60" 189-7/8" 92-1/2" 96-5/8" 171-1/2"
18-647-6 154" 22,100 213-11/16" 110" 165-1/2" 153-1/2" 18" 130" 18" 62" 201-1/8" 92-1/2" 97-1/16" 171-1/2"
19-480-4 162-1/2" 22,600 189-5/16" 114" 174" 162" 18" 144" 16" 58" 177-3/4" 96-3/4" 99-3/8" 180"
19-600-5 162-1/2" 23,100 208-3/16" 114" 174" 162" 18" 144" 18" 60" 195-5/8" 96-3/4" 99-15/16" 180"
19-720-6 162-1/2" 23,600 222-3/16" 114" 174" 162" 18" 144" 20" 62" 208-5/8" 96-3/4" 100-7/16" 180"
20-531-4 171" 24,100 199-5/16" 118" 182-1/2" 170-1/2" 20" 150" 20" 58" 185-3/4" 101" 102-1/2" 188-1/2"
20-665-5 171" 24,600 212-3/16" 118" 182-1/2" 170-1/2" 20" 150" 22" 60" 197-5/8" 101" 103-1/8" 188-1/2"
20-798-6 171" 25,100 224-3/16" 118" 182-1/2" 170-1/2" 20" 150" 22" 62" 209-5/8" 101" 103-3/4" 188-1/2"
21-585-4 179-1/2" 26,100 204-3/16" 120" 191" 179" 24" 160" 22" 60" 189-5/8" 105-1/4" 106-3/16" 197"
21-732-5 179-1/2" 26,600 214-3/16" 120" 191" 179" 24" 160" 22" 62" 199-5/8" 105-1/4" 106-7/8" 197"
21-880-6 179-1/2" 27,100 230-3/16" 120" 191" 179" 24" 160" 22" 62" 215-5/8" 105-1/4" 106-7/8" 197"

Explore This Product

Fixed Grid Floor

Heavy-duty fixed grid floor is the field proven, low maintenance solution. Full or live action discharge floors available.


Sightglass and optional light conveniently located for internal inspection of cooler.

Feeding System

Rotary valve feeding system and product leveler provide even product distribution for a uniform bed depth.

Discharge System

Louver discharge system provides complete cleanout with minimal number of moving parts.


Circular design provides unmatched cooling consistency utilizing 30 to 60 inch product bed depth.


Compact footprint or base sizes are ideal for limited space installations.


Versatility and longevity through design

Our Fixed Grid Floor resembles an upside-down “V.” This design carries the weight more efficiently than a horizontal surface. There is little to no weight bearing on the louvers.

The louvers resemble a pivoting stairstep that allows product to flow through easily when open and completely stops flow when closed. The discharge system works equally well on 1/8 inch diameter. pellets as it does on 1 inch diameter. x 4 inch long cubes. The design also allows for complete clean-out at the end of a production run. Once the product leaves the fixed grid floor it flows through a single layer of movable panels controlling the discharge. Louvers pivot on heavy-duty regreasable bearings powered by air cylinders or electric motors. Full or live action discharge floors available.


Innovative tech, smart machines

CPM Op Flo Coolers feature automated level sensors that activate when the bed level reaches the preselected depth. Once activated, the sensors operate the louvers allowing product to be released. A “fail-safe” detector is permanently mounted near the top of the cooler for prevention of an overflow if sensors are not set properly.

Explore solutions using the Op-Flo Cooler

Whether it’s pet food, fish food, livestock feed pellets, soy collets, meat and bone meal, wood pellets, plastic, dried fruit, berries, or flaked grains, the Op-Flo Cooler can be used in a variety of applications.

Explore All Solutions

Oilseed Processing

Ideal for applications requiring high moisture removal, like oilseed processing.

Animal Feed

Helps regulate the temperature of the food that feeds the animals that feed the world.

Food Processing

Ensures consistent cooling for various food products.


Efficiently handles the cooling of recycled materials.

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