CPF Pocket Feeder

Uniform feed rates for your hammermill.

Featuring a gear motor drive, Pocket Feeders provide a uniform feed rate into your hammermill. A variable-speed drive provides rate adjustment. As the name indicates, Pocket Feeders use a rotor mechanism to evenly distribute the feed to the hammermill. The rotor is segmented, and the pockets are staggered to improve the distribution of the feed rate. Because the rotary pocket feeder relies on a free-flowing material to fill the pocket, they are best suited to granular materials with a density of 30 pounds per cubic foot or more. Typical applications would be whole grains and coarsely ground mixed rations.

Key Features

  • Rotary pocket feeder
  • Staggered pockets to improve distribution
  • Variable speed drive

Explore solutions using the Pocket Feeder

Achieve consistent, metered feeding of your free-flowing materials into your hammermill.

Explore All Solutions

Animal Feed

Delivering you the best pellets, flakes, and animal meal.

Oilseed Processing

Getting you a consistent flake, a clean crack, and densely compacted pellets.

Pet Food

We can help you deliver the highest quality pet kibbles in every shape and size for our furry friends.

Aqua Feed

Our equipment is built to adapt to the unique challenges of creating superior fish and shrimp feeds with ease.

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All Ancillary Products

HRF Pocket Feeder

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Air Separator Feeder

Removing heavy impurities from your feed stream.

Magnet Adapter

Ensure the safety and longevity of your hammermill.

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Poor flow? No problem.

HMA, HMB and XHM Hammermill and Fine Grinder

Two grinding applications to support your processing needs.

HM Series

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Finer grinding than your traditional hammermill.

See for yourself what our equipment can do