Compact Design
Highly efficient air delivery system bakes and cooks faster (by as much as 30% in some cases) so less oven is needed, saving valuable floor space.
Wolverine Proctor Impingement Ovens offer Jet-Tube, custom engineered for your specific application. Food products remain stationary on the moving belt as air-using tubes are directed at high velocity over the items on the band, ensuring quality appearance, minimal waste, and high yield.
Achieve optimal, uniform heating of your products while saving time and money on maintenance downtime. Jetzone is the oven of choice by leading processors in food and non-food industries alike.
Key Features
Highly efficient air delivery system bakes and cooks faster (by as much as 30% in some cases) so less oven is needed, saving valuable floor space.
Unique air distribution guarantees each and every piece is identical in cook, color, texture and internal temperature, regardless of its location on the conveyor.
Designed with separate and independent control of top and bottom treatment air velocity, optional differential temperature capability and controlled high humidity processing, Jetzone provides unlimited capabilities for custom value-added processing.
Rugged, sanitary, unit-welded, walk in construction keeps cleaning and sanitation simple, reducing downtime and maintenance cost.
Designed to withstand years of use and abuse as attested by many Jetzones built in the early 1960’s and still in operation today.
All ovens are custom engineered to any conveyor width, length, heating medium or option configuration that best suits your specific product, process and installation.
Powerful yet gentle enough to heat all of your products evenly, the Impingement Ovens’ JetZone technology guarantees that your products will come out identical in appearance, texture, and internal temperature.